Monday 6 February 2012

Anticipation of Snow

January 31st 1912
Today we headed to the city to find parts for gun modifications, though our journey was marginally delayed as our friend who would accompany us was having issues with his transportation. We had enough time to get what we need done, however, though we couldn't find all the parts we needed. On the way we caught a faint glimpse of snow on the roads though nothing significant. On returning home, I made my signature chicken meal and listened to a phonograph known simply as 'Paul'- a comedy about an extra-terrestrial trying to return home, and the Americans getting in the way.

February 1st 1912
I am quite impressed with my ability to keep up with this journal for a whole month, hopefully I can keep it going the entire year. It has not done much to increase my motivation for regular writing, but I swear I will concentrate more on it soon. The main problem is having peace and being free from distractions to do it. Today's distraction came in the form of being told I should check my weight, and discovered I've apparently put on a few pounds over the last year. In an attempt to improve this right away, I had a half hour jog before tidying in preparation for tomorrow, when my girlfriend's family intend to visit. Much to my annoyance, when I went to have a shower there was no pressure in the pipes as works were being undertaken on the supply.

February 2nd 1912
As promised, my girlfriend's family visited today. Just her mother, sister, and grandmother but it was an enjoyable visit nevertheless. They mostly wanted my girlfriend to sign a document for the bank, but they also brought cake with them which was an unexpected surprise. When they left, I decided to look through some notes on our weekly game, and decided I could probably do a better job so got to work on trying out new rules. It didn't work very well though, so I think I will just stick with the way things are even if they are slightly unbalanced and contradictory.

February 3rd 1912
As we are going through quite a cold snap, we decided to go out for a walk today, partly to see if it had been snowing and partly to take photographs of the icicles we suspected had formed. They had indeed, and we got some impressive photos and also met the owner of the gardens we were trespassing on- thankfully he didn't mind as he was taking photographs of his own, though he did complain a little about how his garden always sits in the shade. On the way back we stopped by the shop for some essential supplies, and encountered a group of children- some of whom were evidentially playing truant, which the local police constable also noticed. One of the children was dragged back to school, as his friend took a photo of him uttering something most unusual- 'ahh lol'. I know 'lol' is an abbreviation used in much written correspondence though it is unusual for someone to speak it out loud as it literally means 'laugh out loud', but combined with the 'ahh' it made the girl sound very Irish. I returned home to do some writing, mostly on the subject of oriental monsters which also gave me some ideas to incorporate into my game tomorrow.

February 4th 1912
Such a boring day today. We couldn't play our usual game as our friend was still ill, and our other friend who often visits had been snowed in. There wasn't any snow to speak of in this town, so we couldn't even go out to take more photos. Instead much of the day was spent entertaining ourselves with other games and whatever there was to be found on the aethernet. During my browsing I did come across an event called 'the Asylum' which takes place in September. It is a celebration of speculative fiction based on the works of Jules Verne, H. G. Wells, and Nicola Tesla to name but a few. I would sorely like to go, but it is extraordinarily far to travel- moreso even than where my parents live. We shall see, though.

February 5th 1912
I've decided that despite the cost and distance, we shall be going to the Asylum this year. We had missed out on the event the last couple of years, and as it's the biggest event of it's kind in Europe, if not the world, then we would be fools to miss out. After discussing with our friend, he has decided to join us meaning we can split the travel costs of getting up there. All that remains is to book our rooms, which I shall do once we receive money from our friend. Also today I decided to call my mother to find out how things are, and discovered that she intends on selling an old stamp and coin collection. I gave her the names of some dealers local to her, so hopefully I shall hear something soon of what the collection is worth and how much I can expect to receive from it. On the aethernet there were all sorts of comments about snow where my friends live around the country, though unfortunately still no sign of anything but rain here.

February 6th 1912
My girlfriend's been complaining incessantly today about an injury she sustained whilst exercising yesterday, as well as a couple of other complaints. I told her to make an appointment with the doctor, but when she attempted to then she was told there were no appointments available so she should call tomorrow. We went to the market despite her injuries to pick up more supplies, and little else has been accomplished. We were becoming slightly suspicious that our ill friend may have been attempting to avoid us, but he reassured us that our concern was unfounded and that we will play on a different day this week instead, after our party this weekend. I don't think we'll be seeing any snow here any time soon.

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