Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Error 404: Aethernet Not Found

January 17th 1912
With a lack of anything better to do, and my girlfriend going shopping with her mother, I have used today to get some writing done for tomorrows deadline.  As such, today was mostly uneventful, although we were treated to some fish and chips tonight.

January 18th 1912
Annoyances abound!  All the work I produced yesterday has been destroyed, thanks to this infernal machine.  As such I have decided to delay writing until I return home, and although it's tempting to return by myself today then there is not much point as I would only have to journey back at the weekend regardless.  To calm down, we visited a friend of ours who owns a shop in town- mostly childrens toys, but also costumes for parties.  We got talking about a party another friend is running soon, a Roman theme where he promises much merriment.  On our return to my girlfriend's parents we walked into yet more friends, boys we knew from a shop we frequented until it closed down.  It was nice to catch up, but then we had to hurry home so I could make dinner, my signature dish of Hunter's Style Chicken.  It went down well as always, though the chicken turned out a little dry.

January 19th 1912
With the absence of access to the aethernet, we decided to get something productive done- specifically the tidying of the boys' room, the room I previously mentioned that we have been moved into.  The intention was that we would donate their toys to a local charity, taking what we wanted, but to much annoyance my girlfriend's father has filled the room with his own belongings.  We do not know which is for keeping and which for leaving, so we got what little we could done and told him that he would have to sort his own items before we can continue.  In the meantime, we took some items to the local waste disposal area, which was a change of pace.  We searched for items we could salvage, but to no avail- instead we got charged for leaving our own items there!

January 20th 1912
Unable to do any writing without access to aethernet, and without anything productive to do, today we decided to do something different to avoid boredom.  On the advice of our young friend from the other day, we decided to pay a visit to the local marble museum.  An interesting subject for a museum, but it does not charge admission so would kill a few hours.  It was much as expected, lots of marbles with bits about their history- though in their games section we did find an artefact similar to the dice we use to play our own games, made of glass which was quite interesting as we believed our game to only date back thirty years or so.  Also of note were the marble runs there, large devices that are on a constant loop as marbles go in all sorts of directions, an example of many moving parts working together which was very mesmerising.  After the museum we headed to another local marketplace for a few supplies, and had a look at the animals they had on display there.  Unfortunately they looked quite stressed, birds with plucked feathers and small mammals living in their own waste.  My girlfriend approached one of the workers there to question their living conditions, but backed down when the keeper became visibly annoyed with being questioned.  Needless to say, we will file a complaint with the authorities when we gain access to the aethernet again.

January 21st 1912
Today we had lunch with my girlfriend's grandmother.  We were supposed to go with my girlfriend's sister and her boyfriend, but having had a tough week at work then the boyfriend did not feel like coming, though my girlfriend's sister still did.  The meal was sub-standard, but it was still nice to catch up on things.  Later today we played our weekly game, though this week things would be slightly different, as we would be playing a game set in outer space, named 'War of the Stars'.  An unusual setting with all manner of weird species-for instance I played a creature similar to a terrestrial lizard- and although it was fun I think I would have preferred to play our usual medieval fantasy setting.  We also had an associate of our friends play as well, who can quite frankly be annoying at times, but was pleasant enough company tonight.  On concluding our game, my girlfriend's sister's boyfriend was still awake and visibly annoyed with something.  On enquiring what, he explained that when we were out then my girlfriend's mother had lost her temper at him, accusing him of doing (or, rather, not doing) various things about the house which we perceived to be a lie, as he often does helpful things when we are around.  Regardless, the conversation served as a helpful reminder that she is best avoided when she is feeling ill.

January 22nd 1912
Another quiet day today, as we spent the day mostly relaxing.  My girlfriend's mother's mood was slightly better today as her illness (which I fear she may have caught from me) was starting to recover.  The boyfriend made dinner tonight, the hype for which had been building all week.  Disappointingly, it didn't turn out quite as planned- a steak and ale pie, and though the cooking was fine it was unfortunately not a very good cut of meat, making it tougher than it should have been.  A few mouthfuls were beautiful, but the majority was too tough to enjoy fully.  Afterwards we headed home, as I am now woefully behind on my work and would like some time to myself before spending all day writing tomorrow.

January 23rd 1912
I cannot say too much today, as the whole day has been spent catching up on my week's writing- apart from a brief visit to the local shop to pick up some vital food.  I'm still slightly behind, but managed to set aside enough time to write this brief journal entry.  Again to my annoyance, it seems that my girlfriend's parents are fixing their aethernet connection today, not that I can benefit.  It would have been much more useful last week, but as the French say: C'est la vie.

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