Monday, 16 January 2012

Mid-January Blues

January 10th 1912
As the sky cleared for the first time in days, and I have started recovering, I decided I should try and get out of the house for some fresh air which would give my girlfriend a chance to take some photos,  Unfortunately, not long after we left then the skies clouded over once again and it started to rain, and my nose was rather opposed to the cold weather making it quite sore.  Another unfortunate side effect to the late stages of my illness is that everything has the same taste- that of novelty fondant filled eggs.

January 11th 1912
Today I decided to try giving the walk another try, as the skies were clear again.  We took a different route this time, somewhere we hadn't been before out into the fields alongside the river, and it was enjoyable- I have made much recovery, and had little more than a runny nose when we were out.  We also noticed an abundance of squirrels in the trees, seeing at least twenty down one small stretch of path.  We soon came to a crossroads, and of course the path we took proved to be erroneous- it was exceptionally muddy from the recent rain.  We turned back and took a different path, one that rounded back around the local school fields and we soon found ourselves back where we started.  Once we got home, I decided to test my new apparatus with a thought experiment called Oblivion- many of my associates have been talking about it's successor, Skyrim, but I had yet to try this one so thought now would be as good a time as ever, and indeed it worked marvellously.

January 12th 1912
My main agenda for today would be to undertake some proof-reading for my friend.  She has just written a novel concerning vampires set in the present day, and before releasing it she wants some opinions from friends, which I was happy to volunteer for.  So far it seems enjoyable, and I'd be happy to recommend it to others- I shall speak more of it when it is closer to release.  Meanwhile my girlfriend worked some more on her current project- converting a pair of guns to make them more aesthetically pleasing.  Thankfully I am now fully recovered from what ailed me, though tonight I did suffer a small bout of depression- mostly concern over failed projects and whether my novel will gather an audience.  I suppose only time will tell.

January 13th 1912
I spent most of today preparing for our game tomorrow, as we haven't played for weeks, so I don't have much to say.  Of course, today is Friday the Thirteenth, a day that has recently gained a reputation for bad luck probably in part thanks to that story that came out a couple of years ago, regarding a stock market crash- something I personally can't see happening for a good many years to come.  Needless to say, nothing particularly untoward happened to me today, so I hold firm to my belief that Friday the Thirteenth is just superstitious hogwash.

January 14th 1912
Much packing today as we have gone to my girlfriend's parents again, for a week this time.  On the way down, we stopped at our friend's for our weekly game, which was as enjoyable as always- although I have some reservations over the game that my friend wants to run, some science fiction game set in space, a setting neither I nor my girlfriend are entirely happy with.  I will probably attempt to play regardless, but am unsure how long it would last- hopefully he will decide to run a different setting that we are more comfortable in.  On arriving here, my girlfriend got a fright from her sister who heard us come in and waited in the kitchen ready to jump on her, which was quite amusing.

January 15th 1912
Annoyingly my portable writing device is playing up whilst I'm here, there must be some problem with the
aethernet... Luckily I don't have much to add to my journal today, as most of the day is spent unwinding from yesterday's game and catching up on events with the in-laws.  Though I would like to note that I had lamb for dinner.  Lamb is my least favourite of all meats, but I was so hungry I enjoyed it regardless.  I feel like I am saying regardless a lot... I'll have to rectify that.

January 16th 1912
Still having problems with the portable writing device, but continuing on regardless (blast...).  Today we went into the local town for some crafting supplies, specifically buckles but to no avail- the only ones we found were cheap flimsy things.  As it was, the only item we got was a biscuit each.  We did make one discovery though at the toy shop, that they are now producing a game we used to play called Quest of Heroes for a younger audience, made out of interconnecting building blocks which was... interesting.

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