Monday, 2 January 2012

New Year's Resolution

January 1st 1912
Today is the start of my journal of this year's events.  I have long sought to write a novel regarding fantasies of the far future, inspired by a combination of the increasingly popular scientific romances of H.G. Wells and ancient religions and legends, but lacked the motivation to do so.  I am hoping that by keeping this diary, it will stimulate my creativity enough to get a substantial amount of work done, especially after learning that I was unsuccessful in my most recent attempt to procure myself employment at a local animal goods distributor.

Last night a grand party was held in the fishing town where my partner's family live, to celebrate the New Year.  It has become somewhat of a tradition there to have costume parties, much like the ageing masquerade traditions, but with an unfortunate lack of money at present, I decided to keep to my usual attire- that of my waistcoat, suit jacket, and top hat though with the addition of a pair of goggles I acquired recently.  This year's trend appeared to be animal costumes, mostly based on those found on the Dark Continent, especially tigers.  Much to my dismay, many seemed to think my outfit was a good 'costume', one lass in particular catching my attention and asking if I was the 'scary man' from a story she had heard, the 'one with the big eyes'.  I explained that this was merely my everyday dress, and she seemed profoundly embarrassed at the fact.  Am I truly so out of touch with contemporary fashions?  It is a sad fact that less and less are wearing the noble top hat these days, it becoming more a symbol of the wealthy and portly bankers.  Regardless, a joyous night was had by all as we ushered in the new year.

On eventually waking this morning, I was pleased to find that once again I had avoided the migraine many suffer after imbibing too much alcohol, having been conservative with my 'aqua vita'.  On rousing my partner from her sleep, we came to the conclusion that today we would see a show in the city.  We intended on inviting a couple of our friends, though remembered them saying they would be busy and so left without them- erroneously as it happened, as we received word shortly after leaving that they were in fact waiting for us to tell them a suitable time for meeting for the show.  I long for the day when we have clear and efficient communications when we can hopefully avoid mishaps such as this.  We could not alter our plans, and so watched our show regardless- an adaptation of the marvellous Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes- this being an adaptation of 'The Final Problem'.  It lived up to expectations, though I must say I was disappointed with how they rewrote the ending to please the general masses.  I acknowledge that Doyle has since caved in to public pressure to 'resurrect' Holmes, but I feel it still detracts from the original point of the story.
We returned to my partner's parents as promptly as we were able, as we had further arrangements to meet with her grandmother for dinner, a fine joint of gammon being prepared for the occasion.  The meal exceeded expectations, and we were pleased to hear that my partner's grandmother was more than satisfied with her Christmas gift.  The rest of the night was spent relaxing, with some speculation on the future before retreating to bed.

January 2nd 1912
Today we would head home, though with some tasks to complete before doing so.  First and foremost, we would change some sleeping arrangements- being shut in the tiny hot room my partner's parents call a 'guest room' is like sleeping in Hell itself.  As such, we transferred our belongings into the children's room which we are now allowed to call our own, on the condition that we empty it of the children's belongings as we are unfortunately unable to see them any more.  We will start this in a fortnight's time, when next we return.
On the way back, we decided to stop off at a small market outside town- I am in need of new writing apparatus, a device that is less likely to lock up than the typewriter I currently use.  Unfortunately, they did not have any that met my requirements, the devices apparently being in high demand after Christmas- hardly surprising as many a resolution consists of writing a book and losing interest halfway through.  So our trip was not a complete waste of time, we had a look at the other stalls in the area; the pet stall catching our eye.  Long have we wanted a pet, but unfortunately cannot afford the monthly cost of owning one.  Many rabbits and rats were available, as well as gerbils and hamsters.  Of particular interest to me were the exotic bearded dragons, small reptiles that require special equipment to keep but are worth the expense, though not at this time.  Something of note whilst we were there was a lady who had a small dog with her; she dropped the animal's lead and naturally it started walking away, but as she went to pick it up the dog seemed to cower in fear of her.  The owner managed to take hold of the lead, and much to my horror she pulled so hard on it that the dog was lifted off the ground- no wonder it was so scared!  The owner noticed my aghast expression, and immediately looked flustered and hurried off, unfortunately before I could report her to anyone.
Little remains to be said for today, so I shall leave things here.

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