Monday, 9 January 2012

Merry Maladies

I apologise in advance for the shortness and poor quality of these journal entries, as I have been ill over the last few days- doesn't make for interesting reading, and I'm still a little groggy.  I'll try my best, but unfortunately it won't be to my highest standards.

January 3rd 1912
After the chaos of the holiday season, today was to be a day of rest.  I eagerly awaited the postman in the hopes of receiving the new games I had ordered, but to no avail.  Instead I settled on spending the day observing my simulacrums going about their daily lives- I have named them after the characters from the fantasy games I play, and some of the similarities are striking.  Admittedly they are little more than a glorified flea circus, and it's like watching ants or brine shrimp, but still fascinating and enough for me to lose track of time- before I know it, the day has passed me by.

January 4th 1912
Determined to have a more productive day than yesterday, we decided to head to the city to spend more of the money I received for Christmas.  Before that, however, the postman arrived bearing the games I had been awaiting- one is about pirates and nobles from the medieval era, and the other is a tactical war game featuring various fantastic creatures.  I shall enjoy playing them once I finish this journal entry.  We headed to the city despite my desire to play with my new toys, as I was in desperate need of a new coat- was being the most important word of that sentence, as I found one after seemingly hours of shopping around.  The fashions are most definitely changing for the worse, but I managed to find a coat similar to those worn in the Dickensian times of several decades past.  It did prove rather costly, but ultimately worth it at £1/8/- from Debenham and Freebody (or just Debenhams, as I should be calling it now).  It was also nice to treat ourselves to some Hamburg style beef with french fried onions, a tasty combination from the self-proclaimed 'Hamburg King'.

January 5th 1912
Most annoyingly, today I have fallen ill.  Not much more than a sore throat at the moment, though it will no doubt worsen.  Luckily, I have my new games to play and the last of my Christmas money to spend- I shall mail order my new writing apparatus, as having seen some of the selection at the market I now have some idea of what I want.  We also took down the Christmas decorations today, as it is said to be bad luck to leave them up after Epiphany tomorrow.  We also received the pleasure of hearing the story of Nausicaa again this afternoon, an interesting tale of a girl caught in a battle between humans and nature.

January 6th 1912
Still ill, with the added ailment of a bleeding tongue- I was told it would help my sore throat to suck on a boiled sweet, though when there was little left then the jagged edge sliced my tongue.  Not very pleasant, to say the least.  Regardless, we did some grocery shopping today and whilst we were out then the lady in front of us spilt her milk- not particularly interesting (certainly no use crying over it!), though it was quite shocking to see the incompetence of the shopkeeper dealing with the matter, as my partner had to step in to help clean up!  On returning home, I was introduced to yet another new game- a theoretical exercise in breeding animals.  Named 'Ovipets', the game has no real goal other than that which you set- commonly to breed a creature with the purest colour, done by assigning colours a code and when you breed two creatures together, you find the halfway point between colour codes, then add a bit of variation for natural selection, which can be done with a dice.  It's simple once you learn it, yet surprisingly addictive.

January 7th 1912
Today I was woken by the Bible Student movement.  Normally, I would not mind dealing with them and hearing about their theories about the end of the world in a couple of years time, but I'm still ill and have no time for them.  Luckily one of our neighbours got talking to them, enough to let me slip away back to bed for a couple of hours- not that it did much good as I had to keep getting up to have a glass of milk in the hopes of soothing my throat.  We were also supposed to play our weekly fantasy game tonight, but as it's the game I'm running and I'm in no fit state to be talking constantly for six hours then we had to pass on it.  One of my friends came regardless as he did not receive our message, and we had a good enough time, mostly speculating on what would happen in the event of the dead coming back to life.  Interesting the subject should be brought up on the same day as the religious visit.

January 8th 1912
Another quiet day at home, as my illness worsens.  As some consolation, my partner baked some cupcakes which are unlikely to last long, and we heard another story about a boy and a girl who create their own fantasy world.  Unfortunately the girl died, and the story mostly dealt with the boy's feelings of loss.  It was quite sad, definitely not what we were expecting, but enjoyable nonetheless.

January 9th 1912
My sore throat is starting to fade, but in it's place is a light-headedness.  Today's treat was a milk-shake, and my writing apparatus arrived!  I can't wait to try it out, but today I just don't feel well enough.  Hopefully the worst has passed, and I will make some recovery tomorrow.

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